Pipe Insulation from UK’s Leading Plastic Specialist

Speedy Plastics Ltd offers a range of plastic pipe insulation products that provide a barrier against moisture, prevent pipes from freezing and restrict heat transfer. We get our polyethylene (PE) pipe insulation, plastic self-seal pipe insulation and foilbacked pipe lagging from top manufacturing brands, such as H&V, Armaflex, Rubaflex, Davant and Climaflex.

Our pipe insulation products are ideal for various applications within the plumbing, air conditioning, ventilation and heating sectors. Plumbers, HVAC workers and drainage specialists will find pipe lagging and insulation for multiple pipe sizes and insulation thicknesses.

If you’re unsure about the type of insulation or size you require, feel free to reach out to us for enquiries. Call 03300 885 085 or email info@speedy-plastics.co.uk.

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